What is EOP?
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) aims to support students who face historical, economic, or educational disadvantages. Our services focus on empowering students, building community, and ensuring college success.
Services Offered
- Our counselors provide personalized support, considering your unique background. They help you get involved in campus life, focusing on your well-being and success.
Course Selection
- We assist in planning your course schedule and tracking your degree progress, offering resources for any academic help you need.
- EOP partners with the Academic Skills Center (ASC) to offer enrichment workshops in math, science, and study skills.
Summer Institute (SI)
- Our four-week orientation for new EOP freshmen helps ease your transition from high school to college with a focus on academics and community building.
Financial Aid
- Qualifying students can receive an EOP grant of up to $1,050 per year. Apply via FAFSA or the CA DREAM Act (for AB540 students).
Community Space
- Shared space for EOP and Cal Poly Scholars students located in building 52. Find up-to-date information on community spaces through our monthly newsletter and EOP Instagram page.
Residential Learning Community (RLC)
- First-year EOP students live in our Living Learning Community, enhancing your college experience through social and academic activities. Visit the EOP LLC page for more details.
Upcoming EOP Events
Join us each quarter as we build community and engage in fun activities. Learn about our upcoming events displayed on our Instagram @eopcalpoly.
All students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin, who are interested in the program’s mission and focus are welcome.